Five things you can do to spend less and save more By Christopher Ng, Author HERE are some ideas on saving money and cutting down your monthly expenses. 1. Pay off all your credit card bills Credit card interest rates are ridiculously high and you should make it a point to eliminate all your credit card debts as soon as possible. Begin by listing the credit card loans you have for all your cards and pay off the ones that have the highest rates. 2. Make recycling a personal habit With a little bit of ingenuity, anything can be recycled into something useful. Old newspapers can be used as kitty litter. Plastic containers can be used to contain personal belongings or homemade cosmetic creams. Even old scratched CDs can find a new life as a bicycle reflector. Recycling is not just financially sound, it is environmentally-friendly, and can be really fun. 3. Look after your body Some studies show that people who begin an exercise regimen and watch their weight actually end up saving more money every month. Perhaps the effect is caused by changes in the subconscious which lead to people learning how to delay gratification and become more disciplined in other areas of their lives. Quitting smoking, reducing stress and ensuring that you get a decent eight hours of sleep will pay for itself if you consider the amount of medical fees you will avoid when you get older. 4. Seek bargains/clip coupons You cannot imagine how much value there is in placing a pair of scissors next to the chair where you read your papers. Coupons are a great way to cut down on home expenses. Borders has, in the past year, made at least two offers of 30 per cent discount on books if you could extract a coupon from The Straits Times. Kinokuniya has 20 per cent discount coupons posted on the papers every Christmas that gives people with the coupon the same privileges as its card members. 5. Be your own travel agent Instead of using a travel agent to get a package, book your own flights and plan your own pick of hotels. This would allow you to cut your travel expenses by a large margin. Excerpted from Christopher Ng's Harvesting The Fruits Of Prosperity.
Labels: bargains, Credit card bill, health, recycling, Save more, Spend less |