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Saturday, May 05, 2007
Increase Overall Productivity

'Boost Your Business...Pay Attention To The Phone'


..... This week I was doing some research for a conference I 'll be speaking at shortly. One of the people I rang from the industry I was researching answered the phone with 'How can we help you change your life today?'.

..... Well that blew me away. How often do you ring a business and are greeted with a fantastic message like that? I knew then that this business was different. I immediately thought that if this is the way the phone was answered, then what they offered would be superior to other businesses who offered similar services and products. If the salon was located nearby I definitely would have booked in. It wouldn't take much convincing for me to spend money with them.

..... So what's the point I'm making here? How often do you ring a business only to be greeted by ' Hold the line please', 'John's phone' or a bored and disinterested person speaking in a monotone voice saying for the thousandth time ' Morley Partners'. What impression would that give you?

..... How the phone is answered either good or bad, is the responsibility of the business owner or manager, not the person who takes the calls. In most instances, people aren't trained on this very important role so they do their own thing. The reason for this is generally down to ... the business owner or manager has no idea or hasn't taken any notice to the way people are greeted when they call and secondly they haven't trained their people (and I could add they don't understand or have no idea about people development).

..... In many businesses the reason why training and development is forgotten or ignored is because the person in charge is often too busy and snowed under to pay any attention to staff development and training or they don't see the value of investing in their people.

..... Just like you, I would have rung hundreds of businesses only to be left with a poor perception of the company because of the way the phone was answered and on many occasions I have rung somewhere else looking to spend my money.

What You Can Do
..... It's always the little things that make a major difference. Being organised and having the time to address the many facets of running your business is vital.

..... Hopefully you'll swing into action and use the above information to make improvements in your business.

..... If you're the owner or manager, the responsibility is up to you. You could be losing thousands of dollars a year because of your lack of time and personal organisation. How would you like to reclaim that time and money by dramatically improving your organisational skills so you can free up your time to work on your business so that you work less and earn more? If you seriously want to then give me a call on 1300 857 756.

..... Just remember if you keep doing the same things, you'll get the same results and if you do something different you'll get different results.

..... Have a great week!


Australia's No. 1 Productivity Coach

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